Wednesday, November 24, 2010

TSA Torture Live

I'm not sure how I got myself roped in to this, but I'll be taking Mrs. Vagabond and the Tiny Vagabond to my ancestral sod for the Thanksgiving holiday.  I've been keenly following the media firestorm concerning the TSA's new "enhanced" patdown and security procedures (pictured).  Although wandering is a passionate interest, I have always made it a point to avoid airports like the plague during Thanksgiving.  I'd really rather eat glass or listen to John Tesh's entire musical opus than subject myself to airport security on the busiest travel day of the year.  However, in the interest of keeping up good family relations (Mother Vagabond would not be amused if her 2 month old grand daughter didn't make it home for the holiday), we will bite the bullet and endeavor to perservere.  I'll be tweeting my experience live, and you can all follow it hereI'm putting Mother and Father Vagabond on notice that they had better be serving adult beverages upon arrival.  Saints preserve us!